The #IVEGOTYOURBACK911 campaign started on October 1, 2014.

As active front line Paramedics, Jill Foster and Shaun Taylor developed the idea of a social media awareness campaign highlighting the fact that suicide by First Responders was a very REAL issue. The duo launched an online campaign in 2014 drawing attention to the increase and rise of mental health issues within the First Responder Community. Through heavy and dedicated online presence the campaign gained worldwide recognition as a place for First Responders to share ideas, resources, and photos of support for one another. The campaign supports all those who have to deal with traumatic incidents in the workplace. The campaign proudly supports Paramedics, Police, Fire, Emergency Telecommunications, Nurses, Corrections and Military. With the #IVEGOTYOURBACK911 Facebook page exploding, t-shirt sales on the rise, and a demand for the campaign hashtag and logo to be represented worldwide, the online store and charitable trust were developed. Money raised from the sale of all store items is then donated out to many different organizations across the country whose sole focus is First Responder mental health initiatives. You can donate directly to the charitable trust using this secure link. 100% of funds donated through the trust are allocated to organizations in need. If you would like to make a purchase from our online store, a portion of proceeds are either donated out directly or allocated to the trust #86533 7109 RR001

Jill Foster and Shaun Taylor- #IVEGOTYOURBACK911 Founders

The Best Team

  • Jill Foster


  • Shaun Taylor


  • Terra


  • Gabi


  • Kyla

    Team Member